To all you teenage girls ... you probably all struggle with something - whether it's self-esteem, friendships, staying "Christian" when you are around your non-Christian friends, obeying your parents, being nice to your siblings or perhaps even doing your chores like you're supposed to. We all have something. Today, I want to focus on modesty and self-image. When you like in the mirror - what do you see? Are you fine with the way you look, thankful for the way God created you or are you constantly looking at magazines, wishing you looked more like the models and actresses? Let me just say one thing if that is the case - STOP. I want you to go look in the mirror and see how beautiful you are. The creator of the Universe MADE YOU in His image! Doesn't that make you all giggly and joyful inside? It sure re-assures me on a daily basis! Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His image." Psalm 139:14, "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Every single piece of hair, every freckle, every birthmark - BEAUTIFUL!
Watch this video: http://www.bluefishtv.com/Store/Downloadable_Video_Illustrations/2718/Struggling_With_Modesty_and_Self-Image
This young girl struggles with trying to fit in - through clothes, friends and not having a boyfriend - her self-image and what people see when they look at her. I want to encourage you today - don't think that you need to wear tight clothes, be with the most popular group of girls or have a boyfriend just to be "COOL". What seems cool to our society may not be the standard that God has set for us, as Christians to act/do/wear. When you decide to hang with a certain group of friends or buy a particular top, I want to ask yourself WHY you want it. This may seem silly, but ask yourself is it because it defines who God created you to be as an individual, or is it to please someone else? Think about that. We are ALL tempted by trying to please people and want to fit in, but we weren't put on this earth for that reason - we were put here to make a difference for Jesus and tell others about Him. Sometimes we will stick out like a soar thumb and be labeled "different," but that's ok....
We all have different definitions of what Modesty is and I've had a few questions submitted asking how to know what is MODEST and what is NOT. Let me answer it this way ... does the outfit show more than it should? Does it draw attention to you in a negative way? If so, then it may not be the best option. Let your clothes show your individuality...you don't need to wear jumpers and turtlenecks .... clothes can be a lot of fun; it's just a challenge to shop modestly sometimes...especially in the junior section, trust me, I know! I believe in you! God created you for a very special purpose. Keep your eyes open and don't miss opportunities He puts in front of you to reach out to someone and make a difference! You're not too young to be used by God. Look up 1 Timothy 4:12. Live by that verse today and every day.
Listen to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATNHf-Iqggw
This song is so true ... be careful what you listen to, wear and who you hang out with. Once you make it a habit, it may be hard to get away from it.
I love these lyrics in the song:
"I fill my mind with bad things.
So horrible, I feel ashamed they show.
I've taken sin so lightly.
That lately, oh, the darkness is all I know.
The time is now,
Oh, to leave the junk behind.
The moment has arrived,
Where I no longer am blind.
It's garbage in.
Garbage in, Garbage out.
What goes in is found out.
All can see what goes in me.
I pay the price.
Forgive me for leaving you to please myself.
I see the mistake in loving this world's wealth.
Oh lord, grab hold of this sin-filled child.
For now, 'cause the darkness is all around."
To sum it up - let Jesus Christ be the ruler of your heart, your life, your choices. We are here on this earth to please Him and only Him. We all make mistakes; but it's what we do with those mistakes. Give them to Christ. Call to Him. Live for HIM and Him alone.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? What defines you? Even if you haven't let Jesus Christ define you lately; it's not too late. Let Him be your first love today.
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