Monday, August 8, 2011

God of endless possibilities!

Yesterday in Sunday School, I was reminded of an amazing passage of Scripture - Matthew 19:26, "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." After hearing that, I took it to the next level... how many times have I felt God leading me to do something, talk to someone or "go where He leads," and have said to myself, "I'm not equipped to do that?" I have missed so many opportunities because I felt as though I wasn't equipped. Man alone can not fufill the amazing tasks of Jesus Christ, but with God, there are endless possibilities of what He can accomplish through us. Think about that for a second. How many opportunities have you missed? Is God calling you to witness to someone or do something that you are currently pushing aside because you don't feel equipped for those tasks?

Re-read this verse several times - Luke 1:37, "Nothing is impossible with God." Nothing. Not one single thing.

We serve a God who is everwhere at once, can hear all of our prayers at the same time, created the Universe, knows how many grains of sand encompass the earth, lived a holy life on earth and was/is without sin, died on the cross for our sins, comforts us, blankets us with mercy and compassion, and continues to lead and guide us every single day. Imagine if we opened up and gave God our all. If we surrender our hearts and minds to Him and try to be more like Him, imagine how much our lives would change for the better. What an amazing God we serve.

We don't worship a weak, powerless God ... we worship the sovereign Lord who created all that was created. He is ALL powerful ... and if we let Him, He can do some pretty amazing things with our lives that we could never EVER do on our own.

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