Monday, August 22, 2011

Be ACTIVE in your faith: NO room for back seat Christians!

Last week, I had the privilege of going to Roanoke, VA on a short mission trip and our verse for the week was Philemon 6, "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith." What an incredible verse ... and it got me thinking ... are we back-seat or front-seat Christians? Are we sitting there, navigating, reading the GPS, telling others how to be "good" Christians by fufulling the Great Commission or are we doing all we can do and making the most of every God-given opportunity? As a type A personality, I  like schedules, to do lists, staying busy and am not one to just go do something CRAZY. I sometimes think through things way too much. This is a problem. If we get so consumed with life and schedules, how can we be servant's of the most High, always looking for opportunities to serve Him and tell others about Him? Today, my challenge to us all is to slow down and pay attention. Put on your "God Goggles" and don't be blind and ignore those in pain and those in need all around you (physically and spiritually). There are probably people in our own families who need us right now ... and we get too busy to realize it.

I want to leave you with these two quotes from Michael Minot:
"I believe God causes thoughts of people to dance in your mind for a reason. In some way, they need a loving touch from you." (God may place certain people on your mind who need a pick-me-up, phone call or a coffee from starbucks to brighten their day).

"It's important to light up in front of others. Life lived with a spark can be contagious." (Let the Holy Spirit consume you and use to brighten other people's day!)

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