Purposeful Christianity: Live with passion!
I don't know about you...but it's time for me to start living with passion and purpose; letting Jesus be my guide. Stress, anxiety, busyness, cramming for an exam, working multiple jobs, and running a household are all excuses we use to stay in our comfortable lifestyle - which for many people often lacks passion and purpose for Jesus Christ. We all get so caught up in "life" that we don't take time to smell the roses, get motivated, and become purposeful and passionate beings for Christ. At the end of my life, whenever that may be, I want to know that I listened to the Lord telling me to step out of my comfort zone and do things for Him that I would NEVER do on my own. If we say "YES" to stepping out of our comfort zone, then we are fully relying on Jesus Christ and not giving in to our sinful, prideful tendencies and saying "no" to that little voice in our head that tries to list off excuses of all the things we need to get done before we can serve Jesus Christ and take opportunities to spread His love with a world in need.
Here are some practical ways to sharpen our focus on others but ultimately on Christ (out of service to Him and to tell about Him):
- Say "YES" to the friend who's been asking you for hang out/quality time all week. Life may be crazy, but you'll never regret investing in the life of another person in Jesus' name.
- Volunteer at a local food bank. Take the time to thank those faithful volunteers who serve there every single day. What self-less people!
- Sign up to deliver "Meals on Wheels" once a month! Visit: mowaa.org
- Pay it forward by purchasing a cup of Starbucks coffee for the person in line behind you at a local coffee shop - someone's done this for me and it really made my day!
- Get a group together to assemble packets for the local homeless shelter!
Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
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