Monday, February 7, 2011

No More Masks!

Beauty in "today's society" is often known as popularity, expensive clothes and frilly dresses, layers of makeup, 6-inch heels, sparkly jewelry and so on. But, it seems our society has lost focus on "true beauty" - inner beauty. It isn't a sin or "wrong" by any means to have beautiful makeup and nice clothes. The sad part is that often times, the layers of make-up and the layers of expensive clothes are "masks" to try and hide a sad, broken, lonely human being. The good news? With God, we can be both beautiful on the outside and on the inside. It was once said that, ""Beauty is as beauty does. We're remembered not by what we looked like but how we behaved and changed the lives of others." The truth is, 20 years from now, will people care that you wore $250 shoes or will they remember you as changing others lives in the name of Jesus? It sure is something to ponder - what am I going to do to show what the Lord has done in my heart? I don't want to sound cliche', but if the saying, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" means the Creator of the Universe made me in His image, that's a pretty amazing feeling. Psalm 139:14 says, "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  Next time you are feeling down, sad, lonely or hiding behind a "mask," remember the Creator of the Universe; the Creator of all of the most beautiful islands, rare animals, waterfalls and every other beautiful creation in this Universe also created YOU. Wow. Now let's help those who are constantly feeling down about their self image, starving themselves because they want to be skinny and trying to hide behind a "mask" that will never fill the void our Savior can fill. Now it's their time.

Can you believe the Creator who created you and I also created these beautiful sights? This leaves me speechless and in awe of what God can do.

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