Thursday, June 30, 2011
Help Others Friday!
Hello all,
Today, I challenge you (and I both) to realize the power of the word OUTREACH and how God can use us in the simplest ways if we are #1, ready and willing and #2, excited to represent our Savior and show what a loving, graceful and sacrificial God we serve.
Friday is "HELP OTHERS FRIDAY" - not just to help others ONLY on Fridays, but to be mindful and meaningful in the way we live our everyday lives. Today I want to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone into the vast unknown, reach out your hand and help someone in the simplest way. This could mean, carrying someone's groceries, befriending or talking to someone who looks burdened or lonely, or simply just being YOU by buying someone else a Starbucks coffee when you purchase one or buying a meal for the person behind you in the drive-through window.
Be creative. Be mindful. Be meaningful.
Here is an awesome resource that I have just signed up for and really want to take the challenge ...
Signup for either Kindness Weekly or Kindness Daily (or both) and you will be sent a newsletter of ideas of simple ways that YOU can reach out to someone around you ... I will have a Christian version of this in a few months (so stay tuned). Honestly...doesn't it bless you heart to see someone smile in Jesus' name?
Weekly Newsletter Signup:
Daily Newsletter Signup:
Encouraging Scriptures on giving/serving:
Matthew 6:1-4
"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
1 Corinthians 16:2
"On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made."
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Proverbs 14:31
"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker,but whoever is kind to the needy honors God."
FREE ADT Child Safety Kit
Help me promote safety - I thought this was a phenomenal freebie for parents of children 14 and under ...
Fill out this form to claim your free kit:
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Recipe Zone: Yummy & Cute Summer Cakes!
Here are some cute & delicious Summer-themed cakes ... you can use them for delicious desserts at home, or summer vacations, parties and so forth ... ENJOY!
Cake #1: Campout Cake
Link to recipe:
Cake #2: Pool Party Cake
Link to recipe:
Cake #3: Fish Cake
Link to recipe:
Cake #4: Pail of Sand Cake
Link to recipe:
Cake #5: Strawberry Shortcake Snake Cake
Link to recipe:
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Cleaning Tip of the Week: Week #3
This Week's Challenge: Take Baby Steps!
This quote from Fly Lady sums it all up ...
"Your home did not get dirty in one day and it will not get clean in a day either. You have been living in clutter and CHAOS for many years, you are not going to get your home clean in a day. I do not want you to crash and burn. This is why I teach you to take baby steps. If you try to do this all at once, you are going to be mad at me, because this will be like every other "get-organized" method you have tried. I want you to take your time. As you establish one habit, you will very easily be able to add another one to your routines." - FlyLady
Don't be overwhelmed ... take baby steps! If you tackle one task a day or several small tasks, housework won't be so overwhelming and excruciatingly painful. You don't want to "crash and burn," you want to get organized ... but you don't won't to overdo it every time you have to tackle chores and household projects, or you will dread it every single time ...
So, my challenge is to take baby steps. Sit down and make a list of a few tasks around your home you'd like to accomplish each day or every other day. It doesn't have to be HUGE tasks. If things are too busy on certain days, make it a task like "clean out utensil drawer" or "re-organize and clean out mail basket."
Enjoy and happy cleaning!
Another great resource - Fly Lady is one of my favorite household organizers. Here's a link to her "Daily Babystep Tasks." Try it out! I love it ...
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Recipe Zone: Colorful Cupcake in a Jar!
Yummy Recipe: Colorful Cupcake in a Jar!
I saw this and had to pass it on ... it is so unique, different and sure to brighten someone's day!
Here's the link on how to make these delicous creations ....
Everything we do for the glory of the Lord!
I have been encouraged by Steven Curtis Chapman's lyrics to his new single, "Do Everything." It's the perfect example Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if working for the Lord and not for men." We are here to serve our Almighty Creator and Alpha and Omega.
"Do Everything" by Steven Curtis Chapman:
"You’re picking up toys on the living room floor for the 15th time today
Matching up socks and sweeping up lost Cheerios that got away
You put a baby on your hip and color on your lips and head out the door
And while I may not know you I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes does it matter at all
We’ll let me remind you it all matters just as long as you
Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you to do
Every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do
Maybe you’re that guy with the suit and tie
Maybe your shirt says your name
You may be hooking up mergers, cooking up burgers
But at the end of the day
Little stuff big stuff in between stuff
God sees it all the same
And while I may not know you I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes does it matter at all
We’ll let me remind you it all matters just as long as you do
Well maybe you’re sitting in math class
Maybe anekatips on a mission in the Congo
Maybe you’re working at the office
Singing along with the radio
Maybe you’re dining at a five star
Or feeding orphans in Myanmar
Anywhere and everywhere you are
Whatever you do it all matters
So do what you do and don’t ever forget to do"
Althought it may seem odd, we CAN praise Him in everything we do - by having a heart that desires to honor and serve Him and by trying to show His love in all we do. You CAN clean the house (yes, even scrubbing toilets), pay bills and cook dinner and serve and praise the Lord! How, you may ask? When you clean, thank the Lord you have a home TO clean, when you pay bills, thank the Lord that you are able to pay the bills because He is the provider ... It doesn't matter how big or how small, we can do everything in the name of the Lord! This is a great reminder and a fantastic challenge ... to do every single thing for the glory of the Lord and to see Him in all of the small things we tend take for granted. Think about it ... whether you are paying bills, feeding orphans, dining in a fancy restaurant or cleaning crushed cheerios off the floor, be challenged to glorify and serve our Almighty Father in Heaven. He is so good to us.
"Do Everything" by Steven Curtis Chapman:
"You’re picking up toys on the living room floor for the 15th time today
Matching up socks and sweeping up lost Cheerios that got away
You put a baby on your hip and color on your lips and head out the door
And while I may not know you I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes does it matter at all
We’ll let me remind you it all matters just as long as you
Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you to do
Every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do
Maybe you’re that guy with the suit and tie
Maybe your shirt says your name
You may be hooking up mergers, cooking up burgers
But at the end of the day
Little stuff big stuff in between stuff
God sees it all the same
And while I may not know you I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes does it matter at all
We’ll let me remind you it all matters just as long as you do
Well maybe you’re sitting in math class
Maybe anekatips on a mission in the Congo
Maybe you’re working at the office
Singing along with the radio
Maybe you’re dining at a five star
Or feeding orphans in Myanmar
Anywhere and everywhere you are
Whatever you do it all matters
So do what you do and don’t ever forget to do"
Althought it may seem odd, we CAN praise Him in everything we do - by having a heart that desires to honor and serve Him and by trying to show His love in all we do. You CAN clean the house (yes, even scrubbing toilets), pay bills and cook dinner and serve and praise the Lord! How, you may ask? When you clean, thank the Lord you have a home TO clean, when you pay bills, thank the Lord that you are able to pay the bills because He is the provider ... It doesn't matter how big or how small, we can do everything in the name of the Lord! This is a great reminder and a fantastic challenge ... to do every single thing for the glory of the Lord and to see Him in all of the small things we tend take for granted. Think about it ... whether you are paying bills, feeding orphans, dining in a fancy restaurant or cleaning crushed cheerios off the floor, be challenged to glorify and serve our Almighty Father in Heaven. He is so good to us.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Cleaning Tip of the Week: Week #2
My cleaning tip for this week is one that I LOVE and use on a daily basis - "clean up as you go."
Don't let things accumulate like this ...
Here are a few tips to cleaning up as you go:
- Wipe down your bathroom counters/mirror (and go ahead and wipe behind the toilet and other dust-accumulating areas) each morning as you are getting ready - keeps things clean and tidy and doesn't let the "gunk" on the mirror build up.
- Wash dishes as you are cooking and clean up the entire kitchen right after dinner - if you wait and say, "I'll clean it later," often times you dread doing it even more ... better to get it done and not have to worry about it!
- Before going to bed each night, do a quick 5-minute pick-up before bed ... wash and dry dishes, straighten the couch pillows, fold the blankets, etc.
- Start your morning early ... one thing I like to do before heading out to work is throw in a load of laundry, making sure all dishes are clean and put away, do a quick mop/vacuum if needed ... it makes you feel good when you head off to work, and again, you don't have to worry about dreading a ton of housework when you get home after a long day's work!
I hope you find these tips helpful - change them around and make them your own and to fit your schedulel! ENJOY and happy housekeeping :)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Freebie Friday: Week #3
Happy Friday!
Yet again, here are our "Friday Freebies" for this week .... we have a good variety this week - yummy recipes, drawing for a FREE BOOK & a downloadable cleaning e-book for busy women! Enjoy and have a blessed Friday. Here is a great verse to hold on to and ponder as you end a busy week and enter into a great weekend ...
“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” – 1 John 5:14-15
Freebie #1: For the Middle School girls - download the first day's devotion from Lizzy's study just for YOU called "True Beauty" (that's coming soon...). Download here:
“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” – 1 John 5:14-15
Freebie #1: For the Middle School girls - download the first day's devotion from Lizzy's study just for YOU called "True Beauty" (that's coming soon...). Download here:
I have tried several of these recipes these past few days and absolutely LOVED them!
I recommend trying: Skinny Taco Dip, Chicken Taco Chili, Grilled Chicken with Spinach & Mozzarella, Lasagna Spinach Rolls & Wheat Chicken Quesadillas!
Freebie #3: Drawing for Anita Renfroe’s book: “If You Can't Lose It, Decorate It: And Other Hip Alternatives to Dealing With Reality”
Enter by emailing your name & favorite Bible verse to: OR by commenting on this post with your name/email.
Anita's Book Description:
With her hilarious attitude and contagious spirit, Renfroe shows that while some issues are here to stay, attitude makes all the difference between existing and thriving.
Freebie #4: Free House Cleaning E-Book for Busy Women
Get your free e-book here:
Freebie #5: Housecleaning Checlists (LOVE THESE!)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Mary Kay has outdone themselves!
Ladies, ladies, ladies --- I couldn't help but share some amazing stuff Mary Kay has just released....I'm excited to purchase it myself and can't wait to try!
First, MASCARA choices ... watch this video to help you decide which new Mary Kay mascara meets your needs ...
Also new -- "LASH LOVE BUNDLE"
Second, MK has just released mineral eye color bundles specifically by eye colors to make your beautiful eyes POP ... check them out here ... this is a must-have ...
Includes: Includes three mineral eye colors, easy application tips and FREE eye applicators!
Here are our current BEST SELLERS:
First, MASCARA choices ... watch this video to help you decide which new Mary Kay mascara meets your needs ...
Also new -- "LASH LOVE BUNDLE"
Second, MK has just released mineral eye color bundles specifically by eye colors to make your beautiful eyes POP ... check them out here ... this is a must-have ...
Includes: Includes three mineral eye colors, easy application tips and FREE eye applicators!
Here are our current BEST SELLERS:
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
"Faith" Vital to our Spiritual Journey
"The entire Christian life is sustained by faith, not just your initial decision to become a Christian."
Based on a recent study I've done, there are "4 types of Faith" important for our walk with Christ. Paul reminds us of them in Scripture ... they are:
#1: Faith for Salvation (Colossians 1:3-8)
#2: Faith for Each Day (Colossians 1:9-14)
#3: Faith in a personal God (Colossians 1:15-17)
#4: Faith in Christ (Colossians 1:18-20)
If you have accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you have chosen to accept Him by faith and to live by faith. Every decision we make in each and every day of our lives should be made from the knowledge that God loves us and that HE is, in fact, enough. Whether we're choosing a career path, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, summer job, etc., etc. each decision we make is a matter of faith. I encourage you TODAY to not just make decisions on what WE want or what WE think is to Him...have faith in our Savior who knows the absolute best for us and will be with us throughout this journey of life. Sometimes it becomes so easy for us to find our "IDENTITY" in things besides Jesus Christ - where you're from, your denomination, hobbies, favorite music or even your calling in life. Let me encourage you---NONE of these define who we are in Christ. This is why FAITH alone is crucial for our Christian walk. You might get along with your girlfriends or friends when you go shopping, play basketball or watch a movie together, but your unity in Christ is what will sustain your friendships, relationships, marriage, and so forth.
Be blessed today as we seek unity and continue on in our faith journey with Christ. May we look to Him for our self-worth, security and through every day decisions or life-changing decisions.
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Are you ready and willing to take the "faith-based" journey with Jesus Christ? |
#1: Faith for Salvation (Colossians 1:3-8)
#2: Faith for Each Day (Colossians 1:9-14)
#3: Faith in a personal God (Colossians 1:15-17)
#4: Faith in Christ (Colossians 1:18-20)
If you have accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you have chosen to accept Him by faith and to live by faith. Every decision we make in each and every day of our lives should be made from the knowledge that God loves us and that HE is, in fact, enough. Whether we're choosing a career path, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, summer job, etc., etc. each decision we make is a matter of faith. I encourage you TODAY to not just make decisions on what WE want or what WE think is to Him...have faith in our Savior who knows the absolute best for us and will be with us throughout this journey of life. Sometimes it becomes so easy for us to find our "IDENTITY" in things besides Jesus Christ - where you're from, your denomination, hobbies, favorite music or even your calling in life. Let me encourage you---NONE of these define who we are in Christ. This is why FAITH alone is crucial for our Christian walk. You might get along with your girlfriends or friends when you go shopping, play basketball or watch a movie together, but your unity in Christ is what will sustain your friendships, relationships, marriage, and so forth.
Be blessed today as we seek unity and continue on in our faith journey with Christ. May we look to Him for our self-worth, security and through every day decisions or life-changing decisions.
Recipe Zone: Chicken with Spinach!
Hello all,
I wanted to share a recipe that is absolutely delcious (and nutritious). It's "Grilled Chicken with Spinach and Melted Mozzarella." Since I don't have a grill, I baked the chicken....but I'm sure grilled would taste simply heavenly!
Here's the link to the recipe:
Here's my version ... not quite as pretty as Gina's :)
I wanted to share a recipe that is absolutely delcious (and nutritious). It's "Grilled Chicken with Spinach and Melted Mozzarella." Since I don't have a grill, I baked the chicken....but I'm sure grilled would taste simply heavenly!
Here's the link to the recipe:
Here's my version ... not quite as pretty as Gina's :)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Weekly Cleaning Tip: Week #1
Welcome to week #1 of our cleaning tips & checklists. Our tips, challenges or checklists won't be the "unreasonable" kind....but ones for you busy women on the go! Please enjoy this week's cleaning challenge and please be sure to check back next week for another and a checkup to see how this week's cleaning challenge was.
Week #1 Cleaning Challenge:
Time to get rid of the messy rooms, unorganized closets and those other "ignored projects" ... and it only takes 5 minutes a day!
(no, these pictures aren't from my house....but I do have a few closets and cabinets to work on myself :)
Spend 5 minutes (10-15 if you can make time) a day cleaning out and organzing your worst room, closet, drawers or cabinets. You know what these areas are: the places you never allow anyone to see. Just spend 5 minutes (at least....add a few addtional minutes if time allows) a day for the next 27 days working through these hidden places. You will see a huge difference and realize just how much you can accomplish if you steadily work and re-organize these places that you constantly dread just a few short minutes a day!
If you'd like, try my favorite cleaning method "THE TIMER METHOD" in different areas of your house each day ... IE: 15 minute timer on the dreaded closet one day, 10 minute timer on the awful office and stacks of papers to sort through another day, etc. I love this method! You will realize that you can accomplish so incredibly much in a just a few minutes and feel great about it.
ENJOY and happy cleaning!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Here are today's Friday Freebies to offer you encouragement in your Christian walk ...
For the girls from the retreat ... "MODEST IS HOTTEST COMMITMENT CARD" - download on "resources" page of
For the girls ... enter to WIN A MODEST IS HOTTEST BAG by emailing your name, email address and favorite Bible verse to:
Check out these great offers from
Enjoy and have a blessed Friday!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Confident Christianity: Be confident in who you are in Jesus Christ!
Be know we are all fans of watching the "bad" and bruttle American Idol and America's Got Talent Auditions. They are hilarious and I constantly think to myself, "Are these people serious?" I feel bad because they are so incredibly confident in something they don't seem to be SO talented in! While watching some "mishap" videos my little sister showed me, the thought came to my mind... As Christians, are we willing to step out of our comfort zones like these people do to share the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ?
Watch these heart-breaking auditions:
As you can hear in the videos, these people are being told to get off the stage and the audience is booing them throughout their routines. Despite how sad it may seem when they are booed and told to get off the stage, I respect them. I respect them for trying and obviously doing what they love. We can learn a few things from them...but the most important lesson I think we can learn is to be confident in who we are in Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid to get out there and show how amazing our Savior is. There will be people in the world who will "boo" us for our beliefs, but in the end, it won't matter - we were created for a purpose and that purpose wasn't to "make friends with the world" (Romans 12:2). We may stand out because we aren't conforming to the patterns of the world, we might be looked down upon at times, but, boy oh, boy will it be worth it!
Joshua 24:15, "....But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Be encouraged today, maybe you are feeling like you "don't fit in" with the people around you - we as Christians, need to encourage one another and build each other up in Christ's love. 1 Thes. 5:11, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
Blessings to you today as you step out of your comfort zone into a realm of unknowns. One thing is known----you will never be alone if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Be confident in who you are in Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Dance in the rain!
Are you currently handling "storms" in your life? Let's learn to rid the "lightning and thunder" moments and turn them into "rainbow moments" or just learn to dance in the rain! How, you may ask?
Listen to this song by Matthew West:
The story of your life----don't get caught up in the tough times, but let God use your weakest moments to make you stronger!
We all know this famous quote ...
If you think about it --- this quote is so true! Sometimes life is tough....things happen....although we can't stop a series of unfortunate events, we can let our hearts mirror that of Jesus Christ when tough times do happen and you know they do. It was once said that, "What sets us apart from the rest of the world isn't whether we suffer, but how we handle the difficulties life throws our way."
I want to ask you something - have you ever danced in the rain - literally? While I'm not a fan of it on a regular basis (because I don't like what it does to my hair! Can you relate?) but I have just let go of that and just danced in the rain and believe me, it felt good - just to let go of my worries and anxiety and just dance!
Take those shoes off, put the umbrella down, pull your hair up in a pony-tale and dance in the rain. Let go, and let God. We as women like to control things (cough*or is it just me?) but we have to surrender the desire to control our lives and what happens and give it to the Lord.
1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
That helps me want to let go and let God take over. No matter what storms we may encounter in our lifetime or even on a weekly basis, He will never leave us. He will help us get through those not-so-glamorous moments in life. Let's learn to dance in the rain and see the good during the tough times! God can use those moments to draw us closer to Him or reach out to others who may be going through the same situation. Trust Him. Lean on Him. Call to Him.
Listen to this song by Matthew West:
The story of your life----don't get caught up in the tough times, but let God use your weakest moments to make you stronger!
We all know this famous quote ...
If you think about it --- this quote is so true! Sometimes life is tough....things happen....although we can't stop a series of unfortunate events, we can let our hearts mirror that of Jesus Christ when tough times do happen and you know they do. It was once said that, "What sets us apart from the rest of the world isn't whether we suffer, but how we handle the difficulties life throws our way."
I want to ask you something - have you ever danced in the rain - literally? While I'm not a fan of it on a regular basis (because I don't like what it does to my hair! Can you relate?) but I have just let go of that and just danced in the rain and believe me, it felt good - just to let go of my worries and anxiety and just dance!
Take those shoes off, put the umbrella down, pull your hair up in a pony-tale and dance in the rain. Let go, and let God. We as women like to control things (cough*or is it just me?) but we have to surrender the desire to control our lives and what happens and give it to the Lord.
1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
That helps me want to let go and let God take over. No matter what storms we may encounter in our lifetime or even on a weekly basis, He will never leave us. He will help us get through those not-so-glamorous moments in life. Let's learn to dance in the rain and see the good during the tough times! God can use those moments to draw us closer to Him or reach out to others who may be going through the same situation. Trust Him. Lean on Him. Call to Him.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Monday Blues: Turning Blues into Bliss
Are you experiencing Monday Blues? Turn those BLUES into BLISS!
I know, I know....we are all preparing for Monday morning...packing lunches, catching up on laundry, making our "to-do" list for the week, or simply just dreading the "Monday Blues." I just wanted to offer you some encouragement as you enter into your frantic Monday morning. Instead of seeing it as just getting back to that stack of work awaiting you at your desk bright and early in the morning, see it as a new week - a fresh start; a new opportunity to see things from a positive point of view. Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." This week, I challenge you (and myself) to look for our God-given opportunities; brighten someone's day, be positive, stay active in God's word and thank Him for another "manic Monday" - we have so much to be thankful for - another day, a job, the gift of productivity and another day to serve Him! Look to Him this week in whatever trials you may endure....He will provide and He will never leave your side.
Be blessed!
Check in on Friday to see what's available for our "FREEBIE FRIDAY" ...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Happy Freebie Friday: Free Scripture Card!
Happy Friday!
This Friday's FREEBIE is a FREE download of our new Scripture Card at: for Phil. 4:19. You can download and print off your Scripture Card today! Our goal for our Scripture Cards is to offer you encouragement and Scripture reminders that you can keep with you when you need a little "pick-me-up." You can also request your favorite Scripture for us to create a card by emailing:
Check back next Friday to see what our new "Friday Freebie" will be.
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