Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Up's & Down's & Do's & Don't of TO DO LISTS!
Maybe you are like me and religiously make a to do list every day ... highlighting the key phone calls, errands, household duties, bills, school assignments, work must-do's and more that glisten as you excitedly write and follow your to do list for the day. Every night before I pull the covers back I make my to do list ... it only takes a few minutes but saves me alot of mental reminders and re-reminders of things that can't be forgotten and keeps me focused on the tasks at hand as I awake and begin my day early in the morning. I'm excited to start my day and begin checking things off one by one. I actually have a to do list notebook that is filled with previous days list, and upcoming lists so I can write things down that need to be accomplished as I think about it. TRY IT. It really helps.
Maybe you aren't much of a list maker...why in the world would you want to make a to do list? Well, they aren't for everyone but I know they keep me sane, focused, less stressed & more productive. There's nothing like checking things off the list when you accomplish tasks. The days that I try to avoid making a to do list aren't as fun, focused and productive as the others, and I tend to forget items here and there that really needed to get done. I know what you're thinking ... this girl is crazy! Well, that may be true, but for type A personalities, this technique really does work so we aren't constantly trying to remind ourselves mentally of what MUST get accomplished today. It really does help. Also, to do lists are effective for those who AREN'T type A personalities. My husband is a terrific example. He's more of a type Z...I mean B or C personality. To do lists keep him focused and reminded that things must get done...They have done wonders for him!
Now you're asking, is there any downside to making a to do list? Honestly, I can only think of one thing that stands in the way. Sometimes type A personalities focus so much on planners, calendars and to do lists that they forget to STOP and listen to God and be ready, willing and flexible to step out of our "schedules" to do something for Him. This is something to keep in mind ... stay in tune with God and don't get so attached to your lists and schedules that you forget to see what He has in store and who He wants us to reach out to.
To do lists help us relax, stay focused, get things accomplished and be smart with the time that the Lord has given us. I have made lists ever since I was 12 or 13 years old .... and continue to this very day. I hope that this "silly" discussion on list-making encourages you to continue on in your busy life being productive for the Lord, taking care of your families, and listening to see what God has in store to help those around you.
FREEBIE for today's post - printable to do lists:
Colossians 4:5, "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity."
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Lessons Learned From The Other Side of The Globe
A year ago today I was giddy, nervous, anxious and excited as we prepared to head to Thailand on a mission trip. My bags were packed, shots were done and drammamine (as well as clorox wipes and travel toilet paper) was already in my overflowing, bulging carry on. After 24+ hours of traveling, we made it to Pattaya, Thailand ... a place where my life changed the very first time I went ... and was always surprised to see or learn something new each time I went back (total of 4 times...not NEARLY enough!).
Last year when I went to Thailand, I was still a newlywed and my husband and I were ecstatic to get to serve together as a couple. The experience was yet again a phenomenal one. I'd like to share with you a few of my favorite memories and lessons ... all of which became life application and re-evaluation.
#1: One of my absolute favorite memories was from visiting one of the Orphanages. At first, I felt so sad for the kids, because they had so little ... no parents, they shared toothbrushes, slept on the floor, had maybe one change of clothes, many didn't wear shoes, and they only had one shower for over 30 kids. The owners were Christians and admitted it's hard to make sure they are fed with limited funding but that God always provided. At first, this makes you sad....the kids here in American (most, not all, of course) have so much and take the "basics" for granted. How many times do our kids wonder where their next meal will come from and if they will have their own toothbrush? They have loads of clothes and are able to play organized sports - our kids are blessed! These kids changed my life. They were so joyful ... jumping on an old, ragged trampoline, playing soccer through an old, damaged playground (that was the goal...) ... let me tell you something - I've never had more fun playing soccer. These kids were giggling the ENTIRE time, giving each other high fives, saying all kinds of things in Thai I wish I could understand ... all with these ENORMOUS smiles on their faces. They taught me that it isn't about what things we have, because those things are temporary ... it's about using our God-given talents in the HERE and NOW. That's exactly what they were doing... they weren't upset they barely had anything materially, they were joyful because they were full of life and their God-given potential was exploding. They were thankful for the small things. Take home lesson: Live in the here and now for Jesus ... stop waiting, whining and not doing what God has called us to do.
Pictures from the Orphanage: (don't have too many from the Orphanage because we got to act like kids:)
#2: Christians don't have to be BORING .... gotta "crank up the crazy!"
Another thing I was reminded of in Thailand was to live the amazing life God has right before our very eyes ... in Thailand we got to feed a baby tiger, ride an elephant, hold a monkey, eat fried bugs ... I was reminded to stop living in my "comfort zone" and be ready to try new things, explore God's beautiful creation!
#3: We need to take the good new of Jesus Christ and the Bible to the "ends of the earth" ... but also RIGHT HERE in the United States! In Thailand, we got to pass out over a thousand Bibles, but we were also reminded and challenged to do the same here in the US. People here need God's Word too!
#4: The Lightup Bouncy Ball - one of the sappiest moments for me on the trip was one of the nights we were passing out Bibles. A little girl, about 4 or 5 years old, walked up from around a dark alley trying to sell us a bouncy ball (mind you--- she was all alone walking these dark streets). Several of us bought one, her smile was as big as the sun and then as she skipped away, we were told we just bought this little girl dinner. What a moment ... realizing how many people are out there, walking the streets along, wondering where their next meal will come from. We don't know if this little girl had parents or if she was fending for herself. So sad and such a great reminder that we need to all be missionaries - here in the US, in our neighborhood, schools, workplaces, or perhaps even on the other side of the globe.
#5: We are so spoiled! Last, but definitely not least, one of the places that touched my heart the most was the "slums" of Thailand ... where the poorest of the poor live. I will let the pictures speak for themself...but this is truly a phenomenal experience. You'd think that since these people have next to nothing, they'd be sad, depressed, angry, unfriendly, but they are the POLAR opposite. It made me realize that the more WE have, the more we tend to forget how much we have and how blessed we are. They were SO thankful for the rice and few goodies given to them.There smiles were so contagious. (These pictures are from multiples areas.)
Last year when I went to Thailand, I was still a newlywed and my husband and I were ecstatic to get to serve together as a couple. The experience was yet again a phenomenal one. I'd like to share with you a few of my favorite memories and lessons ... all of which became life application and re-evaluation.
#1: One of my absolute favorite memories was from visiting one of the Orphanages. At first, I felt so sad for the kids, because they had so little ... no parents, they shared toothbrushes, slept on the floor, had maybe one change of clothes, many didn't wear shoes, and they only had one shower for over 30 kids. The owners were Christians and admitted it's hard to make sure they are fed with limited funding but that God always provided. At first, this makes you sad....the kids here in American (most, not all, of course) have so much and take the "basics" for granted. How many times do our kids wonder where their next meal will come from and if they will have their own toothbrush? They have loads of clothes and are able to play organized sports - our kids are blessed! These kids changed my life. They were so joyful ... jumping on an old, ragged trampoline, playing soccer through an old, damaged playground (that was the goal...) ... let me tell you something - I've never had more fun playing soccer. These kids were giggling the ENTIRE time, giving each other high fives, saying all kinds of things in Thai I wish I could understand ... all with these ENORMOUS smiles on their faces. They taught me that it isn't about what things we have, because those things are temporary ... it's about using our God-given talents in the HERE and NOW. That's exactly what they were doing... they weren't upset they barely had anything materially, they were joyful because they were full of life and their God-given potential was exploding. They were thankful for the small things. Take home lesson: Live in the here and now for Jesus ... stop waiting, whining and not doing what God has called us to do.
Pictures from the Orphanage: (don't have too many from the Orphanage because we got to act like kids:)
One of the many adorable, smiling faces ... |
These beautiful children were phenomenal singers ... they sang praise songs and recited numerous verses in Psalms. |
The Soccer Goal ... |
Another thing I was reminded of in Thailand was to live the amazing life God has right before our very eyes ... in Thailand we got to feed a baby tiger, ride an elephant, hold a monkey, eat fried bugs ... I was reminded to stop living in my "comfort zone" and be ready to try new things, explore God's beautiful creation!
Yes, he IS real! And very cute :) |
How many people can say they bottle fed a baby tiger ... so fun! |
Russ' view from the top of the Elephant! |
Nothing like a mission trip with your hubby<3 (Sorry, don't have a picture of the fried bugs ....) |
#3: We need to take the good new of Jesus Christ and the Bible to the "ends of the earth" ... but also RIGHT HERE in the United States! In Thailand, we got to pass out over a thousand Bibles, but we were also reminded and challenged to do the same here in the US. People here need God's Word too!
#4: The Lightup Bouncy Ball - one of the sappiest moments for me on the trip was one of the nights we were passing out Bibles. A little girl, about 4 or 5 years old, walked up from around a dark alley trying to sell us a bouncy ball (mind you--- she was all alone walking these dark streets). Several of us bought one, her smile was as big as the sun and then as she skipped away, we were told we just bought this little girl dinner. What a moment ... realizing how many people are out there, walking the streets along, wondering where their next meal will come from. We don't know if this little girl had parents or if she was fending for herself. So sad and such a great reminder that we need to all be missionaries - here in the US, in our neighborhood, schools, workplaces, or perhaps even on the other side of the globe.
#5: We are so spoiled! Last, but definitely not least, one of the places that touched my heart the most was the "slums" of Thailand ... where the poorest of the poor live. I will let the pictures speak for themself...but this is truly a phenomenal experience. You'd think that since these people have next to nothing, they'd be sad, depressed, angry, unfriendly, but they are the POLAR opposite. It made me realize that the more WE have, the more we tend to forget how much we have and how blessed we are. They were SO thankful for the rice and few goodies given to them.There smiles were so contagious. (These pictures are from multiples areas.)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
ESCAPE: A Time for Reflection
Ladies, today I want you to sit in a nice, quiet place. Envision sitting on a peaceful, quaint, deserted tropical island. Ponder some things ... take some time to reflect on your relationships and on life in general. Take a nice hot bath ... or go running on a scenic, relaxing trail. Sit in your hammock with a light sweater and a blazing hot cup of pumpkin coffee.
As you take a few minutes to ESCAPE and reflect on life, there are some questions that I challenge you to ask yourself ... I was challenged with these same questions in Women's Counseling and thought that they could be useful for you as well ... ENJOY, RELAX & REFLECT. Every women should take a few minutes to do this. Don't forget to bring your Bible along ... lots of great passages to look up as you REFLECT.
Six Questions to ask at Every Stage of Life:
#1: Am I experiencing God's love? - NOW?
a. Come face to face with our Savior - see yourself the way God sees you. (Hebrews 13:15, 1 John 4:19, Romans 5:8)
b. Grasp God's grace and the love He has for you. He died on the cross for your sins - you've been bought at a great price! YOU ARE HIS TREASURE! How does that make you feel? (Ephesians 3:18-19)
c. Know the unending and unchanging, unfailing love of our Father. (Romans 8:38)
d. Love others with the overflow of God's love that He has graciously poured over you.
#2: How am I loving God? - NOW?
a. Come face to face - see yourself the way God sees you. (Psalm 139:1-3, Psalm 139:24, Psalm 44:21).
b. What do I love most in the world?
c. What do I spend the majority of my time doing and thinking about?
d. What do I want to spend more time doing? How can I spend more time with the Lord? Who can help hold me accountable in implementing this plan?
#3: What is my purpose for living?
Read 1 Corinthians 10:31
a. There may be days when you feel like your life is overwhelming, out of control and that you have over-committed to so many things.
b. Ask yourself, "What does God want me to accomplish in this stage of my life?"
c. Find Direction: (Proverbs 3:6)
-Adjust to changes
-Be willing to change YOURSELF and not always trying to change everyone else to suite you
-Be flexible
-Develop a satisfied heart
-Grasp the beautiful moments
-Trust Jesus through it all!
#4: Who is in your grandstand?
a. Whose approval controls your life?
b. Who do I aim to please? Myself, others, God? (2 Corinthians 5:9)
c. In every stage of life, make Jesus your priority and your #1 focus.
#5: Am I in control of my actions and attitudes?
a. Choose to act rather than REACT.
b. Take captive your thoughts.
c. Stop playing the blame game.
d. Take responsbility.
e. Choose your words wisely and bathe in prayer your reactions to others.
f. Romans 12:14-21, Luke 6:27, Ephesians 4:32
#6: What lasting impression am I leaving?
Make every stage of life count, pray about and consider the kind of impression you are leaving in Jesus' name ...
a. Listen to Nicole Nordeman's song, "LEGACY" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3GxmLaaAwg)
b. Be transformed into the same likeness as Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18)
As you take a few minutes to ESCAPE and reflect on life, there are some questions that I challenge you to ask yourself ... I was challenged with these same questions in Women's Counseling and thought that they could be useful for you as well ... ENJOY, RELAX & REFLECT. Every women should take a few minutes to do this. Don't forget to bring your Bible along ... lots of great passages to look up as you REFLECT.
Six Questions to ask at Every Stage of Life:
#1: Am I experiencing God's love? - NOW?
a. Come face to face with our Savior - see yourself the way God sees you. (Hebrews 13:15, 1 John 4:19, Romans 5:8)
b. Grasp God's grace and the love He has for you. He died on the cross for your sins - you've been bought at a great price! YOU ARE HIS TREASURE! How does that make you feel? (Ephesians 3:18-19)
c. Know the unending and unchanging, unfailing love of our Father. (Romans 8:38)
d. Love others with the overflow of God's love that He has graciously poured over you.
#2: How am I loving God? - NOW?
a. Come face to face - see yourself the way God sees you. (Psalm 139:1-3, Psalm 139:24, Psalm 44:21).
b. What do I love most in the world?
c. What do I spend the majority of my time doing and thinking about?
d. What do I want to spend more time doing? How can I spend more time with the Lord? Who can help hold me accountable in implementing this plan?
#3: What is my purpose for living?
Read 1 Corinthians 10:31
a. There may be days when you feel like your life is overwhelming, out of control and that you have over-committed to so many things.
b. Ask yourself, "What does God want me to accomplish in this stage of my life?"
c. Find Direction: (Proverbs 3:6)
-Adjust to changes
-Be willing to change YOURSELF and not always trying to change everyone else to suite you
-Be flexible
-Develop a satisfied heart
-Grasp the beautiful moments
-Trust Jesus through it all!
#4: Who is in your grandstand?
a. Whose approval controls your life?
b. Who do I aim to please? Myself, others, God? (2 Corinthians 5:9)
c. In every stage of life, make Jesus your priority and your #1 focus.
#5: Am I in control of my actions and attitudes?
a. Choose to act rather than REACT.
b. Take captive your thoughts.
c. Stop playing the blame game.
d. Take responsbility.
e. Choose your words wisely and bathe in prayer your reactions to others.
f. Romans 12:14-21, Luke 6:27, Ephesians 4:32
#6: What lasting impression am I leaving?
Make every stage of life count, pray about and consider the kind of impression you are leaving in Jesus' name ...
a. Listen to Nicole Nordeman's song, "LEGACY" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3GxmLaaAwg)
b. Be transformed into the same likeness as Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Experiencing Undeniable Satisfaction with God!
Sisters in Christ, today I want to encourage you to bathe yourself in Psalm 90:14 ...
We, as women, are in constant need of the feeling of "satisfaction" ... and try to find this satisfaction through worldly accomplishments, our husbands, children, jobs, church activities, and so forth. If we depend on these things for satisfaction, our cups will always be empty. We have to cling to Christ for the ultimate satisfaction and newfound sense of hope, restoration and joy.
Today, I challenge you to experience that satisfaction with God as said in Psalm 90:14. How, you may ask? In my current Women's Counseling Class, a lot of our material is by Beth Moore and she gives a phenomenal checklist on finding this satisfaction with Christ:
Look at this piece by Richard Blanchard ... very inspiring and refreshing ...
We, as women, are in constant need of the feeling of "satisfaction" ... and try to find this satisfaction through worldly accomplishments, our husbands, children, jobs, church activities, and so forth. If we depend on these things for satisfaction, our cups will always be empty. We have to cling to Christ for the ultimate satisfaction and newfound sense of hope, restoration and joy.
Today, I challenge you to experience that satisfaction with God as said in Psalm 90:14. How, you may ask? In my current Women's Counseling Class, a lot of our material is by Beth Moore and she gives a phenomenal checklist on finding this satisfaction with Christ:
- It's a daily process. Go to God first in prayer.
- Pour out your cup to God daily.
- Confess sin daily.
- Pour out your hurts and concerns.
- Allow God to fill up your empty cup.
- Remember that God's unfailing love for you is unconditional.
- Ask God to satisfy you in Him.
- Ask God to delight you in Him.
- Other relationships provide overflow.
- Realize and remind yourself that you are SIGNIFICANT to God!
- Loving you was better to Jesus Christ than His life!
Look at this piece by Richard Blanchard ... very inspiring and refreshing ...
Friday, October 21, 2011
UPDATED: Chicken Corn Chowder Crockpot Recipe
Chicken Corn Chowder has been one of the few of my experiments with slow-cooker soups. It's easy, delicious and creates a mouth-watering aroma in your house.
Here it is: Lizzy's Chicken Corn Chower Recipe
Chicken Corn Chowder
- 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) cream of chicken soup
- 4-6 diced potatoes
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 can cream of potatoe soup
- 2-3 cups diced chicken, cooked
- 1 can (12 to 15 ounces) whole kernel corn, drained
- 1 can cream of corn
- 1 can chicken broth
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon garlic & minced onion (I like to add garlic and minced onion to everything - add as much or as little as YOU like :)!)
Prepare as directed above and cook on LOW for 4 to 6 hours. Add ½ cup milk and cook for about 30 minutes longer, or until hot.
Garnish with shredded cheddar cheese!
Garnish with shredded cheddar cheese!
Optional: Add diced red-peppers or chile peppers (or other spices) as desired (for those who can handle the spicy stuff like my husband…not me!)
Add some wheat crackers or french bread to go with it.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
How to Live Life the Chick-fil-A Way
How to Live Life the Chick-fil-A Way
October 18, 2011
I, along with millions of other people thoroughly enjoy the customer service and the entire experience at Chick-fil-A. Why, you may ask? I partially enjoy the experience because I’m never greeted by rude teenagers who seem to hate their jobs and employees who are “secretly” texting behind the counter. You’re never greeted with, “What do you want?” or “Hi, how are you?” as they sigh and roll their eyes. The people of Chick-fil-A seem to genuinely enjoy their jobs, know the task at hand and seem to get the job done in a timely manner. Of course, you can’t forget the best part of the Chick-fil-A experience, “My pleasure!”
The employees of Chick-fil-A have challenged me as a Christian and made me think about my “service” to other people – Christians and those who have not yet accepted the gift of salvation. When people see me walk through the door, am I ready and willing to serve them in any way I can, or am I hiding, hoping they won’t ask me to do anything? Am I reaching out to the unbelievers or am I hiding in my “Christian” cave, hoping I won’t run into anyone? What are we doing to reach this world who’s in utter and desperate need of a Savior – a life of hope, joy and peace. We, as Christians, know that a life with Jesus Christ is one like no other. We should want to SHOUT THIS NEWS FROM THE ROOFTOPS. It’s time to stop hiding behind the counters and get out there – we already know our task at hand – to share the love and saving grace of our merciful Savior.
Here is a reminder of our task at hand – something we should all be reminded of from time to time … Matthew 28:16-20 - http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+28%3A16-20&version=HCSB
Reflection: Is this the kind of Christian you want to be portrayed as? What are you doing to be seen as a RARE person, much like the customer service at Chick-fil-A? How are you making your service to others stand out?
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